The processing of personal data collected through this Website shall observe the provisions of Spanish Organic Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection (LOPD), Regulation (UE) 2016/679 and any other applicable rules. According to LOPD, the user and holder of the details facilitated through this Website is informed and grants its express consent to the inclusion of such data into a file and to the automatized processing of it, MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L. being responsible for such file and processing. The use and purpose of such processing is the sending of information by MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L.
The privacy policy of MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L. ensures the exercise of the rights to access, modify, cancel and oppose such processing in the terms set forth in current legislation, through any of the contact options given by MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L.: in writing to the corporate address at Calle Torija, no.5, 28013, Madrid, Spain, by email to or, in general, using your preferred contact option.
MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L. has adopted the security levels for data protection required by Law and has installed all available technical and organizational means and measures to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of such data, whose confidentiality and secrecy is hereby guaranteed.
The consent of the User to allow their information to be processed in the manner indicated hereinabove is a necessary condition for rendering the services, so their use implies such consent, which shall remain revocable at any time and will not have retroactive effects, according to the provisions of articles 6 and 11 of Spanish Organic Law on Personal Data Protection 15/1999 of 13 December, and the article 6.1 a) Regularion(UE) 2016/679. The User shall be liable at all times for the truthfulness of the data provided, and MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L. may exclude from the services rendered any user who has facilitated false data, notwithstanding any other actions applicable under the Law.
MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L. reserves the right to modify the current Policy to adapt it to new legislation or case law. In such cases MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L. shall announce the changes introduced to this document with reasonable notice before they are implemented.