Our Services


Navigate the complexities of innovation with expert strategic guidance. We help you define your vision, identify opportunities, and develop a roadmap for success.

Funding Guidance

Funding Opportunities Exploration

MATICAL excels in identifying opportunities to fund R&D and innovation projects. We provide a detailed study of the funding programmes available, identifying opportunities at international, European, national, and regional levels aligned with your R&D interests and capabilities.

Strategic Funding Advisory

Once a potential grant is identified, we conduct a rigorous viability assessment by evaluating the call requirements and its alignment with your strategic fit, impact potential and chances of success. This allows us to make informed, confident go/no-go decisions about pursuing an application as a team.

If we decide to move forward, we offer comprehensive proposal development support.

Proposal Writing

We work closely with the client to create winning proposals and results-oriented consortia. We write the proposal autonomously, relying on experts to extract the key scientific-technical information needed to support the main argumentation of the project proposal and define, from there, the technical objectives, capabilities and partners needed, State of the Art (SOA), R&D methodology, work plan, associated risks, budget.

Our methodology

Quality defines us. The minimum professional profile in MATICAL to lead the preparation of EU projects is a senior EU project proposal writer (10+ years of experience). A high-performance team supports this consultant during proposal preparation. On average, we allocate 2 senior consultants, 1 administrative assistant, and 1 senior editor for each EU collaborative proposal.

The multidisciplinary background of our proposal writing team, allow us among other things to:

  • Adjust initial project ideas that did not really fit with the scope of the call at a first moment, turning them into winning project concepts.
  • Identify any GDPR, legal and ethical aspects to be considered at the proposal preparation stage, and lead the management of these aspects during the project execution, acting as the project’s Data Protection Office (DPO). Advise also on clinical trial development and data management.
  • Provide a consolidated network of partners and other agents in different scientific, technological, and industrial sectors.
  • Understand the needs of Research Institutes (extensive experience in advising and working together with Research organizations).
  • Design R&D and product/business innovation plans fully adapted to the needs, capacities, and objectives of large companies or SMEs with R&D capacity. We help innovators define commercially viable technologies and product prototypes, accompanied also by attractive business plans (Business plan + Financial Plan + Pitch Desk + One Pager).
  • Provide proposal evaluation and review services (our consultants have experience as EU proposals evaluators).

Service includes

  • The ideation, writing strategy, and full writing of the Project proposal.
  • Detailed analysis of the call topic and validation of the initial project idea(s).
  • Budget design and budget negotiation with partners.
  • Organization of technical meetings via Video Conference with the project partners.
  • The submission of the application in due time and form, in accordance with the requirements of the call.
  • The coordination, integral management, and communication with the consortium and, when necessary, the integral management of the search for project partners appropriate to the interests of the project.
  • Administrative management, support, and helpdesk for the duration of the proposal preparation.

Upon a selection of the proposal to be financed, MATICAL provides comprehensive support and coordination for the Grant Agreement and Consortium Agreement preparation process.

Proposal Review

We are experts in reviewing R&D and innovation proposals. We have vast experience in reviewing applications for Horizon Europe, Eurostars, ERC (CoD, AdG, StG, SyG…), MSCA IF, MSCA ITN, EraperMed and more. Our review service increases the chances of good-based proposals to compete for funding.

Our methodology


THE RESEARCHER Sends to MATICAL a pre-final draft of the project proposal.


Upon receiving the documentation, our experts proceed with the review. Once finished, the RESEARCHER will get:

General Opinion: An email containing the general impression of the project proposal after it has been reviewed by our experts. This includes a summary of the main strengths, areas for improvement, suggestions, and priorities for the RESEARCHER to address in improving the proposal in the remaining days before the final submission.

In-depth Review: In the same email, attached, the original pre-final document is sent back to the RESEARCHER, including now actionable comments and notes for specific improvements, page by page.


Video conference with the MATICAL team and the RESEARCHER is scheduled within 48 hours to discuss the main points analyzed in the review, resolve doubts, and clarify main comments and suggestions.

Let's innovate with purpose!

In embracing these core principles, we ensure our contributions to the health sector are meaningful, impactful, and consistent with our mission. We invite you to partner with us, to create a healthier, brighter future together.