Terms and conditions

This legal notice states the general terms and conditions governing the access and use of the website www.matical.com (hereinafter, the “Website”), owned by MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L., with corporate address in Calle Torija, no.5, 28013, Madrid, Spain.

Using the Website implies full and express acceptance of these general terms and conditions, without prejudice to any specific terms which may apply to the specific services contained in the Website.

Privacy and data protection

The processing of personal data collected through this Website shall observe the provisions of Spanish Organic Law 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection, Regulation (UE) 2016/679and any other applicable rules. The criteria followed by MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L. regarding the use of personal data which you may freely and voluntarily facilitate through the services offered on this Website are those included in the document on Privacy and Data Protection Policy.

Intellectual and industrial property

Any information, content and elements provided through this Website is protected by the legislation on industrial and intellectual property. The user hereby acknowledges and accepts that any industrial and intellectual property rights on the information, contents, elements and any other components included on the Website or provided thereby belong to MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L.

Any elements making up the graphic design of its Website, source code and software, logos, texts, textures, menus, icons, graphs, pictures, photographs, logos, audio and video files, animations and any other content or component of the Website are owned by MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L., or otherwise holds the relevant authorization or permit to use such elements.

The content of the Website and any information obtained thereby may not be reproduced in full or in part, nor modified, broadcasted or disseminated in any form or format, unless prior written authorization has been issued by MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L.

It is also forbidden to remove, ignore or manipulate the copyright and any other details identifying the rights of MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L. as well as any technical protection devices or any information mechanism the contents may include.

MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L. ;may make, from time to time and without prior notice, any changes or updates to the information and contents of this Website or to its settings or presentation.

The links contained on this Website may take you to third-party websites. MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L. accepts no liability arising from the connection, contents, informations or services which may appear on those websites, which shall be exclusively of informative nature and which, under no circumstances, shall imply any relationship between MATICAL INNOVATION, S.L. and the individuals or entities owning such contents or the websites on which they appear.